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Hi Nick, I like your "long read" "thinking out loud" discussion format idea. My thoughts on "Blockadia", having been to my first peace movement demo in 1979, was that Fairy Creek was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, for all the reasons you state, but that the radicalisation of citizens is too "long term education" for me, and is not getting the job done. And at what a cost! Fairy Creek was not organised or linked to global movements. We were isolated and cut down by the troopers in the bush. It was more Battle of Culloden than March on Washington. Here is a very interesting article on Strategy and Solidarity as necessary elements of social movements that want to survive, much less succeed.https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/14/solidarity-and-strategy-the-forgotten-lessons-of-truly-effective-protest?utm_term=65f56da458ebe17d0685041775df3657&utm_campaign=TheLongRead&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=longread_email


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