Happy new year folks! Apologies that there is no new issue of Sacred Headwaters today, I ended up taking a much-needed break over the holidays.
Every person has to wake up in the morning and write at the top of their daily todo list, how am I building human solidarity today, every day? That’s our work.
I came across this line from Jane McAlevey a couple weeks ago and it really resonated: this is what fighting the cascading crises (ecological and otherwise, to the extent they can be differentiated) we’re facing is really about at its core.
So I’d like to hear from all of you. What are you doing today, tomorrow, this year, this decade, to build human solidarity, or what do you think we should all be doing to that end?
It doesn’t need to be some big project — in fact, it probably shouldn’t be — so don’t feel like you can’t share because your work isn’t “important enough.” Every act of solidarity is a subtle act of insurgence against a pattern of human civilization that is threatening life on Earth.
I am struggling to make this not sound like the classic toxic new year goal-setting discourse but it’s hard. Just know that my intent is to avoid that as much as I can while still asking this question!
Today, I'm trying to purchase a book locally without resorting to Amazon or Indigo. I.e. my act of insurgence is to avoid using a platform business model with mega-scale economics.
We have an awesome local book store where I live that will source virtually any book and delivers to your home! Although I get most of my books as e-books; can generally buy them direct from the publisher to avoid Amazon etc.
I'm also working to shop locally - I just moved into a new house in a new neighborhood, and I'm working to source anything we need from local small businesses.
I am engaged in local politics and am lobbying for a bill this session that promotes safe and equitable anesthesia care in my state. I got my department to approve my virtual attendance in a Project Drawdown conference, which is a small step in securing a sustainability position in the anesthesiology department and becoming national leaders is sustainable anesthesia practice. I am also knitting my friends socks and sharing books. Participating in your blog and Liz's bookclub is another act of human solidarity I think. Thank you Nick [and Liz] for creating this platform, sharing knowledge and broadening my intellectual horizons. Godt Nyt Aar!
Today and every workday, I'm focused on leveraging the power of tourism to strengthen community-led tourism that is designed to improve resident and environmental well-being and thrivability through the sharing of knowledge, know-how, and mentorship.
I totally Agree Nick and I Wish you a proficuous soft solidarity acting Year in every breath you take. Firstly with yourself/ourselves. Without tenderness and Gratitude and compassion toward ourselves there Is no change and Then I would add be the change and the change Will be. Buon Anno amico!
Today, I'm trying to purchase a book locally without resorting to Amazon or Indigo. I.e. my act of insurgence is to avoid using a platform business model with mega-scale economics.
We have an awesome local book store where I live that will source virtually any book and delivers to your home! Although I get most of my books as e-books; can generally buy them direct from the publisher to avoid Amazon etc.
I'm also working to shop locally - I just moved into a new house in a new neighborhood, and I'm working to source anything we need from local small businesses.
I need to work on this.. thanks for the idea Stephen!
I am engaged in local politics and am lobbying for a bill this session that promotes safe and equitable anesthesia care in my state. I got my department to approve my virtual attendance in a Project Drawdown conference, which is a small step in securing a sustainability position in the anesthesiology department and becoming national leaders is sustainable anesthesia practice. I am also knitting my friends socks and sharing books. Participating in your blog and Liz's bookclub is another act of human solidarity I think. Thank you Nick [and Liz] for creating this platform, sharing knowledge and broadening my intellectual horizons. Godt Nyt Aar!
Holy shit! You're killing it!
I started a conversation at my hometown church about putting up a Black Lives Matter sign.
Today and every workday, I'm focused on leveraging the power of tourism to strengthen community-led tourism that is designed to improve resident and environmental well-being and thrivability through the sharing of knowledge, know-how, and mentorship.
I totally Agree Nick and I Wish you a proficuous soft solidarity acting Year in every breath you take. Firstly with yourself/ourselves. Without tenderness and Gratitude and compassion toward ourselves there Is no change and Then I would add be the change and the change Will be. Buon Anno amico!